Our Director's

Pastor Carlos José de Melo
CEO WEM - International Headquarters

Is the president of WEM - Brazil and International, was born in May 21, 1964 in the State of Minas gerais - Brazil. He served in the Brazilian Air Force for many years, retired as a Colonel; is the Senior Pastor of the Assemblies of God church in Ribeirão Preto, SP; Director of the Pastors Council in Minas Gerais; Member of the Assemblies of God Missions Counsel and National Secretary of Missions.
Married to Roselena de Melo, father of 5 children, lives in Pirassununga, SP with his family.

Pastor Timóteo Mayele Ngunza
President of WEM-England

He is missionary president of the Assembly of God Brilliant Star. Author and international speaker. was born on December 2, 1975 in Angola in the province of Lunda Norte. He was converted in 1995 during the armed conflict (war) and consecrated in 2002 in Luanda, capital of Angola, in the international missionary assembly of God church. He is married to missionary Miriana Cesalina Paulo with whom he has three children, currently residing in England UK. The missionary Timóteo worked in many African countries, mainly in Angola and Congo DRC, carrying out crusades and mission conferences. And in Brazil he spent more than 10 years as a missionary and led the church for 7 years, and in Europe he comes as a representative of WEMBrasil in the UK The ministry is accompanied by signs and wonders (spiritual gifts).

Dr Hubert Kayonda Ngamaba
Vice President of WEM-England

Is a Senior Pastor of Ephrata Church Bolton based in the town of Bolton in Greater Manchester in England, United Kingdom. Dr Hubert Kayonda was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) from a Christian family. Dr Hubert was born again Christian in 1984 when he was in high school in DRC. He is married to Mme Fideline Mulenge since 1994 and God has blessed them with five children. Dr Hubert Kayonda Ngamaba has a PhD in Psychology and is a Researcher in Mental Health at the University and the National Health Services (NHS) and teacher of Research Methods in England. Dr Hubert Kayonda is a secretary of the alliance of pasteurs in the North West of England. He is passionate about Christ and shares the love of God to nations across the globe.

Missionary Andreia Mariano
financial department

Born on August 19, 1973 in the state of São Paulo - Brazil Graduated in Theology, Mission Course from the Christian College of Curitiba, studying Accounting Sciences. Base Leader of the Niger, Egypt and Cuba Projects. Married to Carlos Patric Pereira Mariano, mother of 1 child and lives in Pirassununga-SP, with her family.