Get Involved in what God is doing in the world.

Some plant, others water, but God gives the increase. Discover some of the many ways you can touch the lives of precious men, women, and children in various less evangelized countries of the world. You can use your God-given talents, skills, and finances to help WEM fulfill Jesus’ commandment:
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation”.

Get involved right where you are with what you have!


One of the most important ways to get involved in world evangelization is by praying. Some go, others sponsor, and others pray. You can do all three, but a good starting step is praying for thee lost souls, people that are dying every day without knowing Jesus, and also for the missionaries, servants of God who accepted the calling to renounce everything and dedicate their lives to preach the Gospel in the most remote regions of the world.
YES , I accept the challenge. I will be praying for missions every day, battling in the spiritual realm for those that are not yet saved, and for those that are going to present the love of Jesus to them.
CLICK HERE to become a missionary prayer warrior.
We will send to your email specific prayer requests from the missions field.


WEM has one vision, one mission, one goal… to preach the gospel of Jesus to the less evangelized nations of the world. We are committed to this vision for more than 20 years. From a small beginning in India, with only a couple of young missionaries, no resources whatsoever, but a clear vision and faith in God to break through the challenges to become a missionary organization that is now in more than 35 countries, with hundreds of full-time missionaries planting churches, baptizing thousands of born again Christians every year, helping communities, families, and children through projects and programs that are changing their lives forever, and the best, they are receiving the love o Jesus through these actions.
You can be part of it. If you have a vision, a missionary calling, there are 3 ways to do missions: 1 - going; 2 - praying; 3 - giving. If you cannot go, you may be able to pray for those that are going, and you can help them financially to fulfill this great task.
People like you, have accepted the challenge, embraced this cause, and are now sponsoring missionaries and children in many parts of the world. It is the most simple, practical, and effective way to do missions.
Instead of sending a foreigner that does not know the language, culture, and has high costs to live in another country, God gave us the strategy to sponsor national missionaries that naturally speak the language, live in the culture, and does not cost much be sponsored.
These missionaries are carefully chosen, trained, and sent to the most remote communities and villages, where most of them have never heard the gospel of Jesus, and there, dedicate their lives to win precious souls for the kingdom of God.
After reading it, you can have 3 actions: watch, flee or act.
By acting, you will impact many lives. You will help in the world evangelization. Get involved now!

Yes, I want to sponsor a missionary.   Yes, I want to sponsor a child.   Yes, I want to sponsor a project.


Besides sponsoring a missionary and/or a child, there are many other urgent needs in the field. Here are some o these needs:
Missionary tools - Missionaries in the field need proper tools to better fulfill their work. They need Bibles, pamphlets, computers, cell phones, clothes, shoes, etc.
Transportation - In some regions, the missionaries need to travel long distances to reach a community or village that he/she is evangelizing. In some cases, a bicycle or motorcycle can be a good way to do it, in other cases, where a specific project is being developed, they need to travel to many destinations with a team, or to distribute donations and support local communities in some emergencies. For these situations, an automobile is essential.
Church building - It is normal to see groups having their services/meetings under a tree, all seating on the ground, sometimes on improvised benches, or in someone’s house. As the group of new believers grows, it becomes impossible to continue effectively without a church building to accommodate them. These are simple builds that depending o the size a location costs between $10,000 to $30,000 to be built. You can give to fully build one or more of these churches, or you can help with any amount to provide a worship house to our brothers and sisters.
Schools - In most villages, there are no schools, some of the children have to travel long distances to reach the nearest school, have a home school, or not get educated at all. WEM in partnership with local leadership is helping these communities to build schools or to pay teachers to go to the villages 2 or 3 times per week to teach small groups gathered in someone’s home, which is not the ideal scenario, but is what can be done in some places.
Training - Missionaries and project leaders need to be properly trained to fulfill their tasks with excellence. Before sending missionaries to the field, they are trained and frequently participate in training events, conferences, and seminars.
You can get involved by donating to support these needs.
CLICK HERE to make a donation!


WEM is present in more than 35 countries, some of them are: India, Egypt, Turkey, Niger, Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil… Often we plan strategic missionary trips to give our partners, sponsors, and leadership the opportunity to visit the field to have a missionary experience. This trips normally occurs during holidays or vacation time and goes from 1 week to 1 month, depending on the country and project visited. While in the field, guest have the opportunity to preach the gospel to locals, participate on projects such as building a new church, school, or in a village evangelistic crusade.
If you are interested in participating in one of WEM’s missionary trips, please, CLICK HERE to fill out a form to receive more information.

Missionary Training

WEM is always looking for individuals that have a missionary vision to join our team in the field or in the supporting offices. These opportunities are available for specific lengths of time, that can be from 1 month to 2 years commitment. The interested candidates will need to apply for the missionary training that happens online and/or in person, be evaluated and then, prayerfully decide where want to serve.
If you believe to have a missionary calling, want to be trained and have this experience as missionary, this might be a great opportunity for you.
Please CLICK HERE to fill out the form to receive more information.


There are many ways to serve the Kingdom of God. WEM has a variety of opportunities for volunteers. If you feel the missionary flame burning in your heart, but cannot yet dedicate yourself in a full time basis, this is a great way to start your journey as a volunteer.
There are many options: you can serve in the missionary field for a predetermined period, in our supporting bases/offices on specific days and times of the week, and from home on specific projects at your convenience.
If you are interested, please let us know by clicking HERE to fill out our contact form to receive more information.


There is an urgency to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus. WEM is for more than 20 years committed to fulfill this task by training and sending missionaries to the less evangelized regions of the world. Thousands have already received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but there is still a lot to be done, and you can be part of it. Yes, you can get involved in the world’s evangelization.
One way to do it, is by starting fundraising campaigns to help on WEM’s most needed projects, such as building churches, schools, orphanages, providing tools to the missionaries in the field, transportation, etc.
Get involved now! CLICK HERE to fill out a contact form expressing your desire to start a fundraising campaign to help a missionary project.

WEM Representative

Is your church, organization, community doing world missions? If not, you can be a catalyst among them. God can use you to impact others by sharing the missionary news and needs in your spheres of influence. We will prepare you accordingly with proper resources to become a WEM representative in your church, organization, or community.
It is a simple, yet a highly important task. As a WEM representative you will share testimonies from the field, attract new missionary/children and projects sponsors and partners, gather and lead prayer groups, plan and coordinate missionary events, and the most important, be part of the world evangelization.
Do you accept the challenge? If yes, please CLICK HERE to fill out our contact form to let us know your interest to become a WEM representative.