Sponsor a Social Evangelistic Project

A project sponsor is a person, group, or organization who “adopts” the project and provides resources and support for the project in order to enable its success.
Every project can have from one to many sponsors. A person, group, or organization can be the exclusive sponsor of a project or can share the sponsorship with others. Project sponsors have a vision and understanding of the needy commitment to help us reach the world with the gospel of Jesus.

The main goal of a social evangelistic project is to bring the love of Jesus to the neediest people in the villages and communities that WEM has established its bases.
Through the project sponsorship program, you can make specific projects able to achieve their objectives.
WEM has many projects that are currently functioning that need sponsors to continue their development, and have new projects that need sponsors to be started.
We have missionary bases in more than 35 countries located in the less evangelized regions of the world. In these countries, we have national missionaries that are working in villages and communities, preaching the gospel to these precious souls. Besides evangelization, WEM also helps the local communities in some of their basic needs, such as health, education, professionalization, clean water, church building, day-care, orphanages, and much more.

Provide basic health education and treatment in communities where there is no access to this benefit.


In most of the villages and communities where we have missionaries, there are no schools of any level. We provide basic education to children and illiterate adults. We build schools and have home education projects as well.


There are countless people in these communities that are jobless due to the lack of qualification or profession. WEM helps these people to develop skills to become professionals such as carpenters, masons, plumbers, mechanics, bakers, cooks, gardeners, etc.


WEM partners with entrepreneurs and companies to develop, educate and promote entrepreneurship among the communities.


Many of these communities do not have properly treated water, which is the main cause of sickness, diseases, and death in these regions of the world. WEM helps these needy communities to build wells, and water filtering systems to provide clean drinkable water to its people.

Church Building

It is common to see groups of Christians, our brothers, and sisters meeting under a tree, or in each other's houses because they do not have a church building to congregate. WEM has built many churches already, but there is a continuous need, as missionaries are advancing, winning souls, they need a place of worship to gather and praise the Lord.


Many parents cannot work because they do not have a person or place to take care of their kids. WEM in partnership with the communities leadership is developing day-care solutions - facilities and in-home day-care helpers.


Wars have devastated many regions where WEM is present. To help thousands of children that were left orphans, WEM missionaries open their doors to receive many of these kids into their homes, while we build orphanages to accommodate and to give them the opportunity to be educated to have a better future.

You can help us succeed in these challenging fields.

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