
Besides sponsoring a missionary and/or a child, there are many other urgent needs in the field.
Here are some of these needs:
Missionary tools

Missionaries in the field need proper tools to better fulfill their work. They need Bibles, pamphlets, computers, cell phones, clothes, shoes, etc.


Missionaries and project leaders need to be properly trained to fulfill their tasks with excellence. Before sending missionaries to the field, they are trained and frequently participate in training events, conferences, and seminars.


In some regions, the missionaries need to travel long distances to reach a community or village that he/she is evangelizing. In some cases, a bicycle or motorcycle can be a good way to do it, in other cases, where a specific project is being developed, they need to travel to many destinations with a team, or to distribute donations and support local communities in some emergencies. For these situations, an automobile is essential.

Church building

It is normal to see groups having their services/meetings under a tree, all seating on the ground, sometimes on improvised benches, or in someone’s house. As the group of new believers grows, it becomes impossible to continue effectively without a church building to accommodate them. These are simple buildings that depending on the size and location, costs between $10,000 to $30,000 to be built. You can give to fully build one or more of these churches, or you can help with any amount to provide a worship house to our brothers and sisters.


In most villages, there are no schools, some of the children have to travel long distances to reach the nearest school, have a home school, or not get educated at all. WEM in partnership with local leadership is helping these communities to build schools or to pay teachers to go to the villages 2 or 3 times per week to teach small groups gathered in someone’s home, which is not the ideal scenario, but is what can be done in some places.

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